• Best selling author of 'Whole Grain Sourdough at Home' and ' The Sourdough Whisperer' & Easy Everyday Sourdough Bread has a fourth book out in Early January 2025 - The Sourdough Bible: The Ultimate Resource for Great Bread at Home - Hardcover. As part of our continued collaboration, EcoBaker, as with previous books, will be getting exclusively signed copies of the books. Elaine Boddy:

    This packed, complete guide to making sourdough bread is about to be the next must-have on your kitchen shelf. Elaine Boddy spares no detail as she guides readers on how to make easy, no-knead artisan bread; from explaining what sourdough starter is to laying out the instructions for artisanal freeform loaves, she takes anyone who is interested in sourdough baking and guides them through the process. From novice to expert, all will find something in here they feel excited to make.

    Elaine is known for making complicated recipes simple; she offers solutions for anything you might be overlooking in the sourdough-baking process, and teaches fool proof recipes anyone can achieve. Under her guidance, you’ll feel the confidence to try making exciting new savoury loaves like Whole Wheat and Spelt Loaf, Rye and Caraway Loaf, and even a Cheese and Chipotle Ketchup Loaf. Or dabble in something new with her Chocolate and Vanilla Swirl Loaf and Fruit Swirl Loaf. This is, after all, the holy grail of sourdough books. The tough part is going to be deciding which recipe to start with first!
  • Professional grade bannetons made in Germany from compressed wood fibre. Bannetons, also called proofing baskets or brotform are used in the baking process to help as the dough proofs, for its final rise and offers a support structure before you intend to bake. This is an all important piece of equipment for the serious baker and as used by Elaine Boddy of  https://foodbodsourdough.com . Banneton are often made with cane rattan, a climbing palm made from tropical rainforests and not ideal for environmental reasons. Our bannetons are made using compressed wood fibre or pulp from managed spruce in Germany and have a much smaller environmental footprint.